I was looking through my journal the other day, and I found something I wrote a few years ago. I was beginning to realize how many lies about myself I believed over the years and the “weeds” that grew in my mind and heart as a result of watering those lies (believing, rehearsing and agreeing with them).
When God created you, He created you with a very specific purpose and destiny in mind. He knows who He created you to be. Sometimes (even from a very young age) our God-given strengths, gifts, and interests can be misunderstood or rejected by others, so we might try to change ourselves to become who people tell us we should be.
Are you believing lies about who you are?
This fallen world we live in has a way of telling us lies about who we are. The world tells us who we should and shouldn’t be. Many of us grow up hearing, learning and eventually believing all sorts of lies about ourselves that are contrary to what God says about us.
- Maybe when you were little you were told you were stupid or you were made fun of for something you loved to do and that has stuck with you ever since.
- Perhaps you have always felt like there is something wrong with you, and that follows you everywhere you go.
- Maybe you have been an anxious or angry person for as long as you can remember, so you have just accepted that as your lot in life and who you are (even if you don’t like it).
The world loves to tell us who we are, but this leaves us with a big problem. The world did not create us. God did.
“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is-his good, pleasing and perfect will” (Romans 12:2)
Many of us have spent years on this earth taking in what the world, friends, enemies, and even our own selves tell us about who we are. We go along with the flow of what seems to be true, not questioning if it is how God truly created us to be.
Today I am going to challenge you with something. I am challenging you to set aside a few minutes to talk with the Lord about this.
Ask Him who He created you to be. Ask Him if you are believing any lies about yourself.
Then stop and listen…
When the Lord shows you something you have been believing about yourself that is not true, ask Him to reveal the truth of who He made you to be.
There is incredible freedom to be found when we are able to walk in who we were created to be.
My life has changed since I started believing who God says I am over anything else. As my identity has slowly shifted to who He created me to be (this is an ongoing process), I have found incredible freedom, healing, rest, and joy in my life. This is the natural outcome of living out of who I was created to be.
The same is possible for you! When your identity and view of yourself lines up with who your Creator made you to be, amazing things will happen. This will take some practice as you actively replace any lies you have believed about yourself with the truth of who He created you to be. You were created by a God who loves you, enjoys you and delights in you. He wants you to know and embrace who He created you to be.
Father God, I pray that each person who reads this takes the time to ask You who You created them to be. I pray their eyes and heart would be open to recognizing any lies they have been believing, along with the truth of who they are in You. I thank you that it is never too late in our lives to do this. I thank you for the grace available for those who trust in You and have given their lives to You. I pray that you give each person a revelation straight from You about who they were created to be. One word from You changes everything. I thank You for changed lives, and the many blessings that will be found as our identities line up with who You created us to be. Thank You for loving us so much. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.