I have never been so great with endings. I can sometimes hold onto activities and relationships long after I probably should have moved on. This is all for the sake of being responsible and wanting to be loyal to something or someone…or “just in case” breakthrough or change is right around the corner.
And I’m deeply sentimental.
I have been reading the book, Necessary Endings, by Dr. Henry Cloud, and it has been a great reminder that endings can not only be very healthy but absolutely necessary for growth to occur.
I don’t know about you, but I often associate endings with something negative, not with the potential new life that can spring up afterwards. We live with endings all the time, though. And many of them are celebrated. For example, graduating from high school or college is an ending, but it’s a brand new beginning to something new.
There are often endings needed for growth and new life to begin.
This reminds me of John 12:24, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit” (ESV).
Sometimes endings are much more difficult to embrace. You may have certain circumstances where it’s very challenging to see beyond the lifespan of something you put a lot of time into or something you care very much about.
- Have you stayed at a job longer than you have wanted to because you are afraid to start over?
- Maybe you have stayed in a relationship that you know is not healthy for you, but familiarity and the fear of being alone keep you from moving on.
- Could there be an area you have poured into for many years, hoping it would eventually grow, but you know it’s time to let go or switch directions?
- Sometimes we even need to make a choice to let an activity go that we have really enjoyed! Not because it’s unhealthy, but simply because we need to prioritize our time somewhere else.
- Have you been stuck due to holding onto something that you know you probably need to move on from?
- Maybe God has been prompting you to let go of something, but fear or procrastination has been getting in the way.
I know, in my own life, there has been an area where I have been progressively letting go. It has been a process. God has been showing me that I need to continue making shifts in this area (which feels like a death occurring) in order for new growth to occur. That’s scary, and it has been painful at times. But I know that it’s necessary to get to the other side, even if I don’t know what that looks like right now.
As I ponder all of these things today and share them with you, I encourage you to consider what this might look like in your own life.
Prayer Points:
- Is there an area of your life where God has been prompting you to make a change?
- What’s just one small step you could take to move in the direction you need to go?
“Lord, I pray for each person reading this today. I pray that you show each one if there is something you are wanting them to let go of today. What is the most important thing you want them to know about this? I pray that you give them wisdom in knowing where to start and how to let you lead the way. In your name Jesus, I pray. Amen.”