It can be an incredible challenge to be still. I don’t just mean physically still, but for our souls to be still.

It can be an incredible challenge to sit quietly before God when we are used to all of the distractions around us. Even worship music can be considered just noise if it’s used to prevent us from being quiet before God.

It can be scary and uncomfortable to be still before God, because we have to hear what’s in our hearts and minds when it’s quiet. (I guess I can speak for myself, here.)

I am starting to practice being still before God again during my time with Him in the morning when I tend to talk more than listen, and also during times when I feel the need to drown out my thoughts and the quiet with music or other seemingly “good” distractions.

It is so challenging to be still when the world around you seems to rush by, but this is where I am right now. I am remembering how to quiet my soul before Him.

Being still is not a waste of time. It’s a place where we can cultivate intimacy with Jesus if we keep pushing through the opposition to get there.

There was a time a few years back when I went to a worship service at the end. Everyone was jumping up and down and praising God loudly, but all it did was overwhelm me. I was in such a different place.

I escaped to the bathroom, wondering what was wrong with me, because I seemed to be the only one who wasn’t having an amazing time. As I was in the bathroom all by myself, the Holy Spirit spoke so clearly to me, “I am in here, too.” I instantaneously felt such peace. I found Him in a quiet place.

It’s ok to rest even if no one else around you seems to be still. You are not missing out or falling behind when you use that time to pursue quiet, intimate times with Jesus.

Keep pursuing it, keep pushing past the fear, distractions and feeling of defeat, or whatever obstacles you come up against, because eventually it will become a peaceful place that is shared between you and Jesus.

Persevere and push through until you get there. There is nothing else like it.

~ Amy