Have you experienced the true intimacy we were created to have with God? I knew for many years that the only source of true intimacy begins with Him, but it was a long time before I started to experience what that was actually like.
When I was first learning about intimacy with Jesus, I looked up Song of Solomon 8:6-7 to find out the meaning of it. There was a lot in those 2 verses that I didn’t really understand.
Song of Solomon 8:6-7 “Put me like a seal over your heart, Like a seal on your arm. For love is as strong as death, Jealousy is as severe as Sheol; Its flashes are flashes of fire, The very flame of the LORD. Many waters cannot quench love, Nor will rivers overflow it; If a man were to give all the riches of his house for love, he would be utterly despised.”
During that time, seals were often given as a pledge. They were used in a similar way that wedding rings are used today. This verse shows that we are close to God’s heart. When we give our lives to Him, we are pledged to Him, and we are His. Christ’s love for us is as strong as death. It exists far beyond the grave.
His jealousy (envy, zeal) for us is as unyielding as the grave. Christ, also, will never let go of us. His love for us burns like a mighty flame. No water could quench Christ’s love for us. No rivers could wash it away. Satan’s temptations come as a flood to us, but our love for God will enable us to triumph over temptations in this world.
This is the intimacy that we have all been created to know! He is not just a God up in the sky who is distant from us. He wants to know you intimately.
He can touch places in your soul that no one on this earth can even come close to touching.
Years ago, I remember singing a worship song that had the words to these same verses in Song of Solomon in it. I suddenly felt like the words were almost too personal to say. They weren’t just words on a screen at church, anymore. It became personal and very intimate. As I drew near to Him that night, I felt Him draw very close to me. – Closer than anything or anyone I’ve ever known. I know it’s not all about feelings, but I experienced a touch of what true intimacy with Christ is all about that night. He longs for intimacy with us, and He wants all of us to experience this with Him.
Where are you searching for intimacy?
We were made to experience a level of intimacy with our loved ones, but the true original source of intimacy comes from Jesus. When we look to other people or things to feel and experience the intimacy that we were only made to experience with God, we will always fall short.
There have been so many times in my life that I have tried to find intimacy in places that have ultimately caused me to feel even more empty. The “feeling” and fulfillment I was trying to get from all of those things didn’t even come close to comparing to what I know now with Jesus. Thank you, Jesus!
Jesus loves you and desires to be closer to you than anyone else. He is trustworthy and knows all of your shortcomings. They don’t surprise Him. He already knows. He wants you to turn to Him and give yourself to Him completely. He longs to be with you.