Last week I posted an e-mail from Nikki, a young girl who first wrote to me almost a year ago. She struggled with porn and didn’t know how to tell her mom. She felt defeated and far away from God and didn’t know what to do. If you haven’t read her e-mail that I shared last week, click here to read that first. We spoke several times, and I was so delighted to see her most recent e-mail to me!
I asked 3 questions at the end of last week’s post:
- What do you think Nikki’s life looks like a year later after writing this e-mail?
- How do you think her relationship with God is now?
- How much do you believe a person’s life can change in a year, when their heart and life is surrendered to God?
I can’t wait to share with you what she recently sent me. It had been a few months since we had any contact with each other, and I remembered her saying she may go to the Dominican Republic this summer. I decided to write to Nikki and ask if she went and how her trip was. This was her response (with her permission):
“Hi Amy! I can’t even tell you how much it means to hear from you again! I’m doing fantastic. In the few months since I emailed you, my life has turned upside down. I told my parents, and they took it … sorta well. Like, I wasn’t punished or anything, just got filters on my computer, phone, and iPod to help me out, although I lost a LOT of trust from them. I think I’ve gained it back though, at least most of it. Anyway, after that… well, I went on a retreat and that’s when God broke me of porn and masturbation, and then I shared my testimony with my youth group (about 125 people!) in March. That was a little freaky, but God really stepped in and helped me with that.
So after that, I was invited to join a student discipleship program at my church, and now I’m a student leader in my youth group (9-12th graders) and then I’m a leader in the 6th-8th grade youth group as well. I’ve grown so much in my walk with God and understanding of Him, it’s so amazing. Like, I don’t even recognize who I was a few months ago. I’m more confident and mature and I feel like I’m growing into a true spiritual leader.
I did go to the Dominican Republic! And it was probably the most amazing experience of my entire life. God moved in so many different ways down there. As we ministered to the people, they ministered right back to us. God provided more insight into my future for me – I know for a fact He’s calling me to be a missionary in a Spanish-speaking country, not necessarily the Dominican Republic, but somewhere. And then He just showed me so much about myself and His love for His people, all of His people, and the trip was outstanding. I’m still processing everything that happened in the week we were there.”
Thank you Jesus for setting another captive free! And, also, thank you Nikki for allowing me to share your story. God is doing so many wonderful things in your life and He will continue to use your story to help set others free! Keep looking to Him and He will continue to heal your heart and direct you towards the destiny He has for you. 🙂