Several years ago, God started showing me He could set me free from the strongholds I had. As He started doing this (layer by layer) I created my blog to show others that Jesus could indeed set them free.

Then He started showing me another aspect to freedom that I never understood before. He started showing me that there is hope, joy, peace and even a deeper sense of freedom that can be found – even before we experience the breakthrough we have been praying for.

Jesus has set me free in many areas of my life, and this is a process that will continue until the day I die. There are still areas I have to continually surrender to Him. Some of these are areas I have been praying for Jesus to heal my heart and set me free, but I still deal with them in one way or another.

As I learn how to walk in the grace He has given me and continue to surrender these things to Him, I am now finding an even deeper sense of freedom than I have experienced in the past.

He continues to show me how to experience the freedom He died for me to have, even in the midst of trials.

He continues to show me I can have peace, joy, and a deeper understanding of freedom as I continue to persevere and trust Him in a new way (even while I do not see evidence of what I have been praying for, yet).

He has been showing me how to find life in Him, even while I wait.

This, my friends, is freedom. Freedom is not just acquired when Jesus delivers us, but we can learn how to walk in freedom even when areas of our lives feel unfinished.

If you have been struggling with something or even asking the Lord for something for a long time, I pray you are encouraged by this. Through Jesus, you can find hope, joy, peace (and freedom) even while you are waiting.