When I first started sharing my story ten years ago, I thought I was the only woman who had ever struggled with pornography. The resistance I felt from others led me to the conclusion that I was dealing with: 1) something only men struggled with, and 2) something I should keep quiet about because I was slaughtering my reputation and making (church people) uncomfortable.
A surprising thing started to happen, though. Women from all over the world started writing to me with similar stories when they started to find my blog. They, too, thought they were dealing with something only men deal with, increasing the shame they already felt. They also thought they were the only woman in their church who struggled with this (probably not true, either).
These were (and are) often women who love God, who are often very involved in their church, yet are absolutely trapped in shame, not knowing who to confess this secret to. This is a topic that even more women deal with now, but it is still often looked at as if it’s only a man’s issue. This couldn’t be further from the truth! I have found so much healing and freedom in this area over the years, and I love sharing that hope with others.
This is why I am so excited to be one of the speakers at the SHE Virtual Recovery Summit coming up on October 5-9, 2020. This is presented by Living on Purpose and Covenant Eyes. This 5-day virtual summit will consist of daily pre-recorded sessions, plus daily live expert discussions. The live events will give you the opportunity to ask your own questions and engage in a deeper dialogue on these issues. There are 30+ women who will be sharing their stories, expertise, and hope for meaningful recovery.
This summit is also a unique opportunity for pastors, ministry leaders, and counselors to engage in these issues, including special Q&A and dialogue opportunities. Check out all the speakers and topics on the website and sign up here for free.