Many of us are on a search for freedom in different areas of our lives, but what exactly is freedom and what does it look like?
Even though “Finding Freedom” is the 10th chapter in my book, I guessed many people would turn to that chapter first (I know I would). It turns out I was right. Some of us know all too well what it’s like to feel like we are chasing after something that may never come. Freedom can seem incredibly elusive if we have been trying to attain it without ever being able to grasp ahold of it.
In my own life, I thought freedom would include one day finally saying the right prayer that would make all of my temptations go away. (You know… that one prayer that would one day reset my brain to the way I thought it should be.) That is not at all the way it happened, but I can say now that I have found freedom. I have also been able to apply what I learned to many other areas of my life.
Freedom isn’t about that one magical day that everything is better. No problems. No stress. No pain. No temptations.
Freedom is the ability to honor and obey God now, where I am, and not be ruled by any temptations and longings.
Freedom is walking in who I was created to be while being able to easily dismiss the lies the enemy throws my way.
Freedom is the ability to know who I am and not hate myself, condemn myself, or berate myself for not being where I “think I should be”. Freedom is knowing that temptations and longings have no authority over me. Instead of feeling shame, I let it drive me to Jesus.
That’s freedom, and it’s a journey I’m still walking.
Freedom is not having all of this on my mind every day. It’s not in the forefront of my brain anymore. It’s a place where my mind and heart can rest.
Freedom is not in having perfect circumstances, but in having God’s perspective in whatever comes our way.
This perspective alleviates the shame, condemnation, and other things that speak to us when we are tempted and feeling deep longings for intimacy and connection.
If you are on a search for freedom, no matter what that looks like for you, I pray this encourages you. Keep going. Keep seeking Jesus, and let your temptations and longings drive you to Him – not away from Him. It is a place where your mind and heart can finally rest.
You will find life there.
It’s not about shutting those longings off. It’s about redirecting them to Jesus… the only one who can fill them.